Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Harper's Message

- What did I do?

- Did no one vote for the opposition parties?

- Separatists aren't good, I will grant that, but ummm, he really makes it sound like they carry the plague.

- On what level does this threaten democracy? Honestly. It seems to me that this is actually an integral part of our democratic system, which may suck, but it's not like this is really all that new.

- Pointing out that he has withdrawn certain proposals and that this is all taking place before a budget has been presented was prudent.

- Keith Boag is pointing out that Harper and the Conservatives don't say "separatist" in Quebec, they say "sovereignist." I think that this is becoming a problem. Francophone reporters are asking questions about this. Also, apparently Dmitri Soudas, not the PM or Lawrence Cannon or any other MP, has been the voice of the government in QC for the past week.

- Where did Harper get that voice? It was weirdly alluring. I think that he might be Kathleen Turner. (Don Newman just called it his "blue sweater" voice.)

- Did he film this thing in a log cabin or is that what his office is really like?

- This "we're going to use all legal means necessary," line is a bit ominous. Remember, Harper is the only federal political leader to ever sue an opponent. Weirdness.

- CBC says, "boring." Let's check CTV...woman with bad hair says that Harper is screwing himself with Quebeckers.

- Very little drinking from my drinking game...mostly just for "separatist."

More whenever the hell Dion gets his shit together and hands the networks his tapes.