With the GG allowing Prime Minister Harper prorogue the House we're all safe from political disaster until late January. Now economic disaster is a different story.
So what are we to make of all of this?
Well, I think a few things should be clear. Among them:
- Poor Stephane Dion, if he ever was, is not up to this job. Yesterday's disaster with the video seals that deal.
- The Liberals need to sort themselves very quickly. They did not come out of this looking good and I think that Coyne is right, they will bail on this and fast.
- Which presents a pretty serious problem for the NDP, who I'm sure are ready to fight for The Coalition. It would be great for Jack Layton to sit in a Minister's office for a few months and they must be furiously pushing Dion to hold his nerve.
- Gilles Duceppe manages to yet again seem like the most sensible federal leader, you know, aside from the separatism thing.
My boss and I concluded our conversation by developing the following thesis:
- everyone has flaws
- politics dramatically enhances those flaws by providing power and opportunity
- the success of a politician is measured by his or her level of self-discipline, and his or her ability to master their flaws (Politicians and the flaws that undid them: Martin=indecisiveness, Chretien=assholism, Mulroney=scruples, Trudeau=arrogance, Clark=naivete, Me=not born before Clark)
- every politician is ultimately undone by their flaws
He can't help himself.